Establishing a business in Arizona is a simple process. To bring your business entity into.
Establishing a business in Arizona is a simple process. To bring your business entity into existence, you must simply fill out a one-page form to apply for a tax ID number for your business entity. If it is something as simple as a T-shirt store that operates out of your house and sells the T-shirts online, you are free to start reaping the economic rewards immediately. Other types of businesses have more requirements that you must fulfill before you can legally engage in business activities. Consider, for example, the difference between making a profit off of the produce of the pot plants in your garden, on the one hand, and operating a legal cannabis dispensary, on the other. This is only an extreme example; even in business sectors that are not as strictly regulated as the legal cannabis industry, you need legally valid licenses and permits to engage in activities that affect the health and safety of your clientele and the general public. To comply with the licensing requirements relevant to your business and resolve disputes related to your business license, contact an Arizona business law attorney.
How Do You Know Which Business Licenses You Need?
The licenses and permits required to operate a business in Arizona vary according to the business activities in which you plan to engage. The purpose of the licenses is to prove your knowledge of and compliance with the statewide regulations related to your work. These are some occupations where you need a license to conduct business legally:
- Child care, whether at a daycare center built or rented for that specific purpose or operating out of your home
- Transportation for hire, such as taxis or charter buses
- Massage therapy
- Home health aide services for adults
- Construction or home improvement contracting
- Plumbing
- Electrical work
- Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
- Pest control
- Sale of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or cannabis products
In addition to the licenses you need to operate a business in certain sectors, you might need specific permits to operate your business in a certain location. For example, you need a permit to operate as a vendor at a short-term public event such as an outdoor music festival. Furthermore, Arizona requires a license for every business that collects sales tax, which is formally called transaction privilege tax (TPT) in Arizona.
How to Get the Required Licenses
The first step to getting the required business licenses is to find out the most current licensing requirements for your current business sector. You can contact the License Compliance Program of the Arizona Department of Revenue by email or search for information specific to your employment sector on their website.
Some licenses require you to pay every year or every few years to renew them. In addition to or instead of this requirement, other licenses require you to take a licensing exam. In industries where regulations change quickly, you need to retake the exam every time you renew your license. The best way to ensure that you are complying with all the requirements for keeping your licenses active is to work with a small business lawyer from the earliest stages of establishing your business.
What Happens if You Conduct Business Without a License?
If you begin business operations without the required licenses, or if you let a required license expire and do not pause operations until you can get it reinstated, your company can face financial and legal liabilities. State regulators inspect businesses routinely, as well as in response to complaints from clients or whistleblower notices from employees. If regulators arrive and find that one of your licenses has expired, and if they find out that you are not in compliance with another regulation, the state could impose a fine, and they could even shut down your operations until you bring the company into compliance with the regulations.
Furthermore, if a client sues you after suffering financial losses because of an error you made in providing your services, your lack of compliance with licensing requirements will count against you in the lawsuit. In the most severe examples, you can even face criminal penalties for not having the required licenses, such as if you practice medicine without a license or operate an unlicensed tattoo studio.
Contact Singular Law Group About Business Licenses
A business law attorney can help you get the licenses and permits you need to operate your business in compliance with state regulations. Contact Singular Law Group PLLC to set up a consultation.
An Arizona business law attorney can help you obtain, renew, and reinstate business licenses and resolve disputes arising from them.